Monday, January 6, 2014

Fun with Borax, baking soda, corn starch, elmer's glue, Ivory soap, and vinegar

There was no school today due to the cold weather.  This made me happy, not so much in regards to my children's safety, but more in regards as a day off of work.
How to occupy the kids on such a day in a way that does not involve screen time?  Well, with a few common household products, we were able to have all kinds of fun, and learn a little science as well.

First, Megan and I made slime.  This was basically just a mixture of borax, corn starch, water, and Elmer's glue.  She loved it.  I did not take pictures.

Next, we called in the boys to see what happens when you put a bar of Ivory soap into the microwave.

 This is what happens.  It grows.  A lot.  When you play with it, it is a very light and fluffy texture, similar to foam.  At this point of our science fun, Megan decided she wanted to take a bath with the new soap, so we proceeded without her.
 Next up was exploding goop, which neither exploded nor was real goopy.  You mix equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch, then spray it with vinegar.  The vinegar and baking soda react to make bubbly stuff (explosion), and the vinegar and cornstarch create a goop

 It was goopy, but the explosion was more of a fizzle.
 Next up was oobleck.  Eric requested we make this.  We used the recipe below, but found a concoction of 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part water worked better.

I did not get any after pics of the oobleck, as my kitchen and hands were becoming quite the disaster.  We also tried to make a bouncy ball, mixing cornstarch, borax, water, and glue together.

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