Sunday, October 15, 2017

Zombie Run

Last night was the 2nd annual Zombie Run!  This year it was at Prairie West Golf Course.  It was 3 miles, compared to 2 last year.

 Eric denied me a pre-race selfie
 You can't see it in this picture, but there is fake blood dripping from the start/finish line sign

 Eric won a $50 gift certificate to Family Wellness!  
 I won this hat advertising some type of tequila I've never heard of
Post race pic with Jess and Tyler.  We all were 'infected' by the end of the race, meaning the zombies grabbed our flags.

So much fun!  Next year, Tyler, Eric, and Huxley plan to run as Zombies.

Wild Hog

Eric and I went to Grand Forks last month to run the Wild Hog 10K.  It's a much smaller even than Fargo, with ~2,000 total participants, but still was plenty of fun!

 Eric was ~4 minutes slower than his Fargo time.  He was in track prior to that race, so was in a little better shape.  Not too shabby for not training.  Wish I could just run 6.2 miles without training!

Post race feast at Noodles and Co