Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween + Saturday + Candy + Time change + late bedtime= 3 kids in bed, all crying about something.

Punkin Carving

Backyard Friends

We have enjoyed watching the squirrels come and eat the peanuts we leave for them on our deck. This morning we got an extra bonus when 2 blue jays came to eat the peanuts, too. The pictures didn't turn out the best since I took them through the window.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

IEP Graduation

After nearly 4 years of speech therapy and 2.5 years of occupational therapy, Eric has officially GRADUATED from his IEP, and is now DONE with special education services. His standard score on his recent speech eval was a 107, with the range for "normal" being 85-115. We are very proud of all of his hard work (even when some of it was against his wishes-OT was never his favorite).
We are going out to eat tomorrow night to celebrate. Last week he said he wanted to go to Red Lobster, which made Mom very happy as they have their unlimited shrimp extravaganza right now. But, lucky me, he changed his mind and now wants to go to McDonalds, where he said I could have a salad.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pink Pajamas

What is more shocking....
1) I voluntarily purchased a pair of obnoxious pink fleece pajamas with penguins to coordinate with Megan's obnoxious pink fleece pajamas with penguins


2) Don and the boys were totally un-amused when Megan and I paraded into the basement to show off our matching jammies....they hardly even looked up from the computer.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A few more pics

Living on the Edge

This is as high as Eric got

Well, apparently Don and I are the Tiger Cub Den Leaders for Pack 153. Please hold your laughter. We can't tie a knot. We don't own a saw. We are not campers. We are as qualified to be leaders of our Den as Barack Obama is to be President of the United States.

Our scout event of the weekend was a Derby Run at a local car dealership. We do not have our cars created yet (partly due to the fact that we don't own a saw, partly due to the fact that we have no idea what to do), but they had plenty to share. The best part was the rock climbing wall. Mommy (or should I say Den Mother) was surprisingly not even nervous with this...the boys thankfully were a little. It's hard to tell which boy is which-Jonathan has the Nike shoes one, Eric the Adidas.


Maybe instead of being a witch for Halloween, Megan should go as one of the Seven Dwarfs...

Don't tell Eric

Megan had a blast playing Heroscape yesterday while Eric wasn't watching. Can you imagine his reaction if he saw his sister doing this??? Megan was very content, and played for an hour.


I think someone needed a nap on Thursday....

Young Picassos

Since the kids were not allowed to play video or computer games on Thursday (even educational ones, as the boys would complain), we pulled out the washable paints and paint brushes, put on our painting shirts, and let the artistic "talent" flow.....

Monday, October 19, 2009


Carrying the ball 22 times for 143 yds and catching 4 passes for 23 yds takes a lot out of a person

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Soccer Season Finale

The boys finished their fall soccer season this morning, winning their 6th game of the season. For those of you keeping track, that puts them at 6-0 for the year. There are no pictures-too cold to take my gloves off, and let's be honest-they all look the same after awhile, especially now that the kids all have winter hats on.
We celebrated the end of the season by feasting at Pizza Ranch, courtesy of Grandpa Miller.
Looking forward to Spring Season!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Potty Training


Megan is doing well with the potty training. She is going pee on the toilet several times a day, and will sometimes tell us after she has wet her diaper. After supper, she disappeared for a few minutes, and I found her as she emerged from the bathroom. I didn't ask questions....I should have. A few minutes later, I realized she did not have a diaper on. Since I did not remove her diaper, and Don did not remove her diaper, and Grandpa did not remove her diaper.......I became a bit nervous. I asked her where her diaper was. She told me "I don't need it anymore". I went to explore the bathroom, very scared as to what I would find since she is due for, well, I think you know what I mean. Thankfully, I only found a wet diaper neatly placed in the cupboard by her clean diapers. It could have been much, much, worse......

The LaFleur Family 2009

Our first professional family pic since Megan was born.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Megan's birthday wish

Megan has become a victim of media marketing. She saw a commercial for Baby Alive, and wants one....she really, really wants one. We saw one while cruising the toy aisle at Target, and now all I hear is "I want pink Baby Alive for my birthday and pink Baby Alive high chair, NOT the purple highchair." The high chair she is referring to is actually a "salon" chair, that is on the shelf next to Baby Alive.

On a different note, the boys think that the Easy Bake Oven should come in a "boy" version-they are fascinated with the idea of baking such delicious chocolate goodies, but horrified by the "girlie" look of it. I told them the boy version would be as junkie as the girlie one, and wouldn't get it for them anyways. I like stomping on dreams like that. Maybe we can just bake the old fashioned way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hanging out

Don and I used the freezing rain/sleet as an excuse to stay home from Church tonight (I also had a very, ever so subtle headache, and thought my throat could be sore-must be H1N1 and didn't want to

anybody....) The boys "convinced" Don to let them play "City of Heroes" on his computer, while Megan took an extra long bath, then set up her Little People's birthday party, which was celebrated in her doll house.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bedtime tragedy

The scene: Bedtime
Setting: Megan's bedroom
Cast: Mommy and Megan
Tragedy: Megan has her pink doll, her pink french poodle, her pink love monkey, and a minimum of 4 pink blankies. She does not, however, have her pink bear.....there was no rest until Mommy found her pink bear.....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Conversations with the backseat

The Setting: Silver Bullet. Driving home after school. Raining-a condition that sometimes results in video games on weekdays.

The Players: Jonathan and Eric. They have just asked their Mom if they will be getting to play video games when they get home.

Mom: We might play a computer game instead.
Jonathan: You mean an educational game? Those are so boring.
Eric: Yeah, we get enough learning in school.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Camp of the Cross

I enjoyed a weekend with my scrapbooking group at Camp of the Cross by Garrison. I had never been there before, but it is a beautiful place. This morning I was up early and took some time to take some pictures during the sunrise. It was a peaceful morning.
Had a great time. I completed 33 scrapbook pages.