Saturday, May 25, 2019

Marathon Weekend!

The Most Wonderful Weekend of the Year was last weekend in Fargo.  Eric and I were registered for the 10K.  Kathie and Maddie joined us as spectators.  The forecast was for a rainy, windy morning!
We wore ponchos on the walk to the dome from our hotel, but took them off before the run.  We got to the dome in time to watch the couple get married prior to the start of a marathon.  The story is, they met at mile 19 of an ultra marathon.
Despite the weather, or maybe because of the weather, this was the most fun 10k I have done!  I did not PR (didn't expect to), but it was my fastest Fargo 10K, and I beat my expected time by 5 minutes.  I did not feel well prepared for this race at all, so was very happy with how it went!  My first mile was my slowest, my last mile was my fastest, and the 4 miles in between were all within 3 seconds.
Eric just I don't know what his split breakdown is.  He finished under an hour, and just missed a PR  by a minute.  He beat his Latin teacher by 10 seconds, so he was happy.

This was my 10th consecutive year running/participating in the Fargo Marathon! 

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