Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year.
We took advantage of our last day of Christmas vacation by going sledding. To shake things up, we went to the hill at Ft. Lincoln school instead of the Eagle's Park. This was a shake up the kids were not all that thrilled with.  There was much concern expressed to Don and I on our decision.

It looks to me like Megan had fun.

 After saying a brief prayer before snowboarding down the steeper, faster hill than what we have at teh Eagle's Park, it looks to me like Jonathan had fun

 And based on the volume of his screaming, I believe Eric had fun as well.  His volume of scream was directly related to the velocity of his sled.

And despite a minor wipeout at the bottom of the hill, I think Don had fun.
In the 'awe, isn't that sweet' department, many years ago (long before we were dating), Don and I brought our Littles sledding here.  When we were done sledding, we played an simple, non competitive game of football.  There was a fumble,  We both lunged for the ball at the same time.  I landed on it first, but in the process, Don landed on the back of my elbow, which caused it to hyperextend.  It hurt almost as bad as childbirth.   

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