Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 23: Sun Flare

I know, it is not yet day 23.  Yesterday's challenge was silhouette, and today's was long exposure.  I lack a tripod, and had very fast moving targets, which made success with both of these  difficult.  I did get some good sun flare shots, and this is one of my favorites.  We went frisbee golfing after supper tonight.  I took this while Megan took a little rest break. I realize there really is not much sunflare in this picture, but I am tired and don't really care.  Close enough.  It's not like I'm getting graded on this challenge.  I also realize I added this pic twice, but don't know how to delete the extra one.  Good thing Megan is cute. 

I did look back through my old pics and found these.  They are much better.

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