Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 10: Favorite Childhood memory

Yesterday's challenge assignment was "Favorite Childhood Memory".  Most of my favorite childhood memories occured 200+ miles from where I currently live, so this was a bit of a challenge.  Many favorite memories were at Lake Melissa or the farm.  I thought I could get a picture of Missy this weekend (my friend from Lake Melissa), but ironically, she was at Lake Melissa and not in Makoti.  So, I took a picture instead of Megan playing on the piano.  This is the same piano that I learned how to play piano on, and that my Mom learned how to play piano on.  I get all mushy when I think that a 3rd generation is learning to play on the same piano.  The boys just finished their 2nd year, and will not continue.  Megan will start in a few years.

Dorothy Gust was my piano teacher.  I would walk to her house after school on Mondays.  I would usually stop at the Casselton Library and The Federated Store on my way to check out books and buy candy.  Mrs. Gust (who was also the school secretary and pulled out my first tooth) always had some snacks in her living room, usually generic Hydrox cookies.   Her students would wait in the living room with Clem and watch TV with him while we waited for our lesson.  Clem and Dorothy were also our families' "storm home".  I do remember one night when we had to stay at their home because of a blizzard.  Dorothy cooked a ham for supper.  I think she was as excited as we were. 
Here ends the history lesson for the evening.

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