Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Borden Harbor Park

This morning we visited Borden Harbor park in southeast Mandan. Traditionally, the boys play some type of rocket/space themed game when we are here. There are little triangle shaped platforms that are set on springs that they think are rockets. There is lots of grassy area for playing tag, and a basketball court. Jonathan was prepared today and packed his basketball. Prior to visiting the park, we stopped by the Mandan library to turn in our first week of reading logs and get some more books.

 The boys had a blast swinging on the swings and getting some great vestibular input

 Eric and Jonathan chased each other all over the playground, burning off all kinds of energy.
They couldn't get enough of the slides!

The boys spend most of our time at the playground reading a book Eric checked out on folklore creatures, which highlighted their strengths and weaknesses.  First, Eric read on the swings, then at the base of the slides, then on the triangle shaped bouncy platforms (my battery died at that point.)  He and Jonathan had lenghy discussions on which characters would win in battles against other characters (ie....a centuar vs scorpian man).  Finally, they did put the book away and re-enacted the battles they had just read about.

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