Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 9: Castaway Cay

This is the day we were most excited for!  The Disney Island.  We had a long 'to do' list, and planned to stay on the island most of the day.  It was sunny and hot and beautiful!  There were some storm clouds in the sky, but they looked far away, and appeared to be moving away from us.

Don and Jonathan did the sting ray adventure again.  Eric, Megan, and I just got snorkeling gear and snorkled in the lagoon.  Megan didn't last too long, as she didn't like the taste sea water left, but she did much better than last time!  Eric was pretty adventurous, and would swim out to the far ropes.  We saw some fish, but not  a lot.  It was still fun.

 The haze in the pic is from my lens.  It fogged up from the humidity every time I opened my camera.

 After eating lunch, Don and the boys went to the rec area to play mini-golf.  Megan and I went to find the gift shop.  At this point, it started to sprinkle.  Megs and I went back to the rec area which was under a shelter.  Then, the little sprinkle became a downpour. A really really long lasting downpour.  With thunder.  And lightening.  After about 20 minutes, we thought maybe, just maybe, Don should run back to the beach to get our stuff.  

 My backpack had a lot of water in it.  My cell phone was in my fanny pack (the cool kind that runners wear-not the touristy kind).  It was dead.  Don's phone was also in his backpack, and also dead.  My Nook was in my back pack. Dead (Darn!  No reading material for the rest of the trip).

 The boys were playing giant checkers while waiting out the rain.  
After an hour of heavy downpour, we noticed some people were heading back to the ship.  We thought we would do the same.  Megan was crying-very scared of the weather.  We joined those walking back to the ship against the recommendation of the lifeguards.  We were drenched by the time we got to the ship.  The downpour continued for another 45 minutes or so.  

It cleared up around 2:30, but we opted not to return to the beach.  We had a mess to clean up with all of our stuff getting wet.  We were bummed about the weather, but happy we had 3 hours on the beach before the weather hit.

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