Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mandan Girls' basketball tourney

Another tournament for the Mavericks this weekend.  This one was hosted by the Mandan Girls' basketball club.  The 5th and 6th grade teams were combined in one bracket, as there were only 3 of each registered.  The Mavericks played the Dickinson Press (6th grade team we've played once before) and a 5th grade Mandan team.  I only took pics of the game against the Press.

 Halftime huddle

 J scoring his second of 3 baskets.  He also sunk 2 free throws, so ended up with 8 points in the game.
 He had to guard this kid last year when Jaxon was out one tournament.  Jonathan has grown a little more in the past year.
This was January 2014
 J worked hard to hold his position
 They beat the Press 62-20something.  The score of their next game was 62-4.  This was against 5th graders.  J had 10 points that game.  The championship game was against Rough Justice, one of the Mavericks' most competitive opponents.  Mavs won by 5. It was a very close game.
Next weekend they play a Dickinson Tournament.  Hope to see some different teams than the ones we always play.

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