Eric and Jonathan had to stand up without the cube falling off their head, without using their hands...good Cranium Family Edition fun. Both were successful

Boing boing boing boing boing boing....may the record show that Jonathan and Don cheated at this game while I went to the kitchen to check something....I still almost beat Jonathan's "record"...161 bounces in 30 seconds (Jonathan's cheating score was 162)

Eric prepping for Bop It Bounce

Cuponk...various methods of bouncing a ping pong ball into a cup. I think many people learn how to play this on the weekends in college...Jonathan had to roll the ball off his nose and have it bounce into the cup.

More CraniumFamily. The Boy Team had to transfer the cube 4 times without using their hands or mouth.

Eric doing his best to sculpt a taco. Everything Eric sculpts looks the same, so it's basically a random guessing game :-)

Jonathan drawing with his eyes closed....can't remember what it was.
Is there a better way to bond with children than by playing board games? We played several over the weekend, including new ones given to the boys by the Flemmers for Christmas (Bop It Bounce and Cuponk). All were entertaining.
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