Thursday, December 30, 2010
We now have fish. The boys each got a betta fish. Eric named his Rex. Jonathan named his Bettor. I really don't know how to spell Jonathan's fish's name, but he pronounces it "BAY-tor". Both are males. The boys discussed this am how each fish seems to have the personality traits of the owner...Rex tends to hide and is quiet. Bettor is more social and active.
Subconsciously, I think 4 of the members of our family see getting fish a chance to show the 5th family member that the boys can be responsible in caring for a pet, in hopes of getting a different kind of know, the kind that play fetch and like their bellies rubbed. I also think one member of our family is hoping that by getting fish, the other 4 members of the family will stop dropping hints on getting a different kind of pet.
The Arc-170
Eric has reached a new level of lego building acheivement....the Arc-170 is now complete. It's actually been complete for awhile, I just haven't had the time to post pictures of it.
Eric constructed most of the ship by himself, with a little help from Don. He has become much more patient in putting sets together.
I don't have a "done" picture" yet, so will post that later.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Scout night with the Wizards
Last night was Scout night at the Wizard's game. Since Jonathan and Eric each sold over $750 in popcorn, the got to go down on the floor during half time, and got to form a human tunnel to high five the players as they came back from half time. They were amazed at how tall the players were.
The pictures aren't focused the best...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Best Day of Eric's Life
We opened our family gifts Friday night. After opening a certain gift, Eric proclaimed the day as the best day of his life.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas program

Today was the children's program at Church. As predicted, Megan stood still and emotionless during the pre-schoolers singing, and kept her head down the majority of the program. She was all smiles up until the actually singing began, then it was game off for her.
The pictures are a bit grainy since I cropped from a bigger picture.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Megan has moved on from playing school, and now wants to play restaurant. She is the chef (or cooker, as she calls it) and customer. I am the cooker, waitress, bus boy, and manager. She needs to wear her apron and her cooker hat. Her dollies also dine with her, but periodically she needs to leave with them because they are puking. For Friday nights meal, she ordered a latte for herself, chocolate milk for her children, and a Dt Coke for her husband.
Board games
Boing boing boing boing boing boing....may the record show that Jonathan and Don cheated at this game while I went to the kitchen to check something....I still almost beat Jonathan's "record"...161 bounces in 30 seconds (Jonathan's cheating score was 162)
Eric prepping for Bop It Bounce
Cuponk...various methods of bouncing a ping pong ball into a cup. I think many people learn how to play this on the weekends in college...Jonathan had to roll the ball off his nose and have it bounce into the cup.
Friday, December 3, 2010
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