I am training for a half marathon. 13.1 miles. It is 9 days away. I have been training for this event since early June. Prior to this, I was training for a marathon relay. All in all I have been in training mode for the last 9 months. My weekly mileage has increased from 10 miles to just over 20 miles a week. I have needed physical therapy. I have spent lots of money on comfortable clothes and running products that make running more bearable. I have consumed lots of water. I have learned that it takes me nearly as long to prepare for a long run as it does to go out of town with the kids. I have learned that I may just prefer running in Winter than Summer. I have learned that I would rather look silly and wear running pants than suffer with chaffing. I have learned that running really is a mental game. I have learned that it is okay to be really slow. I have learned that my first 2 miles are harder than my last 2 miles. And, perhaps most importantly, I have learned that my feet are sadly now uglier than my Husband's....
I earned that ugly blood blister while running 11 miles on Sunday evening. Funny, I had no pain with it. I felt the blister below it around mile 5. PTs love this stuff. My children (and husband) were not as amused with it as I was.
Lisa, I could have gone my whole life without seeing something like this.
You were warned...I put a disclaimer at the beginning. You knew the risk.
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