The names of the members of our family have changed, per Megan's request. Megan now only answers to Sister Bear, Lisa is Mama Bear, Don is Papa Bear, Eric is Brother Bear, and Jonathan is Cousin Freddy. Garret next door is Farmer Ben.
The Bear Family had a fun time raking up leaves in the back yard. While Mama Bear did do most of the work, Brother Bear was a raking maniac. Sister Bear was a bit possessive of her leaf pile, but let Cousin Freddy jump in hers a few times. Brother Bear was not allowed anywhere near her pile. Papa Bear came out to help, too. Since it was a balmy 68 degrees outside, Mama Bear went inside to make Reeses' PB Malts for us to enjoy for our afternoon snack. After the snack Brother, Freddy, and Papa went back inside, while Mama and Sister raked up the leaves into 11 leaf/lawn bags.
In other Bear Family news, Sister Bear disappeared for a few minutes this morning. Mama Bear found her in the bathroom, sitting on her potty chair, where she proclaimed "I'm going poopy." Lo and behold, she had already gone poopy. Mama and Papa Bear are very happy.
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