Another 12 hour day of traveling fun for the LaFleurs. Today's adventure lead us to one of our favorite places, Medora. A bittersweet trip this year as Don and I remember our friend Wade Westin.
No trip to Medora is complete without a stop at the souvenier shop for piece of junk toy guns. The boys upgraded to a solid plastic shotgun this year (compared to the hollow plastic shotgun from last year). Megan wanted a lellow gun, but had to settle for pink. She did find the pink cowgirl hat she was asking for. We ate at the Chuckwagon Buffet, as we do every year, and like every year, the boys talk about how they used to be afraid of the stuffed buffalo, elk, and deer that decorate the restaurant. Mommy is still a bit creeped out about eating amongst dead, stuffed wildlife.
The boys loved hiking the trails in the park this year, and Megan did a great job of doing most of the walking by herself, too. And, no vacation day would be complete without rainfall. At least the cloudburst was short lived. The boys brought their shot guns on a few of the know, just in case we came across a Tatunka. The boys also earned their junior Park Ranger badges. I sure hope no one tries to litter, disturb animals, or pick a flower/plan in Teddy Roosevelt Natl Park in their presence. They are armed.
What's up with Eric and the Bad Boy scowl?
Key word=Eric!
What are the chances?! We did Medora on Tuesday, as well. Did you see two white 15 passenger vans?
Angela :-)
That IS quite the coinkydink! Wonder if we passed each other! I don't think I littered, or picked any flowers, so I guess the rangers had no reason to accost me, therefore, we missed seeing you.
I did not notice the passenger are darn lucky you didn't break the law.
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