Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Big Day, pt 2

The boys had a great day today! When I was driving them to school, I asked them if they wanted me to walk them to the playground or drop them off. I guess they don't need any hand holding, as they both said "drop off". When the exited the Silver Bullet, I didn't even get a glance back my way. I guess they are ready. After school, I picked them up before getting Megan. When we got to daycare, they asked the first friend they saw "Do you remember us?". They also made a point to say "hi" to all of their teachers, who probably missed them terribly.
Each day, they will get a color stamp on their daily calender they bring home. Green means good, yellow means you got a warning, blue means you missed 5' of recess/fun activity, red means you lose recess/activity. I am happy to report both came home with a green stamp. Some kid named Levi didn't fare so well-he got a yellow. He was the talk of the night....
My first day of school went well, too. Lots of running around.


Amy M said...

I told Jonathan that if Levi was going to get in trouble on the first day, maybe he should stay away from him. He was much more adult about it because he said that maybe Levi just had a bad day and tomorrow would be better.

dljeml said...

I think I may have aided that critical thinking, as the boys were ready to ban Levi for the school year. They can be so unforgiving at times.

dljeml said...

I think I may have aided that critical thinking, as the boys were ready to ban Levi for the school year. They can be so unforgiving at times.