On June 24. 2011, Trudy the Cat "temporarily" moved in with us when Gma and Gpa LaFleur were evacuated to our house due to the flood in Minot. When they were able to move into their temporary apartment a month later, Trudy stayed with, just a little bit, until they could get to a more permanent home. When that finally happened in September.....there were tears. Many tears and sobs from the innocent children. They decided they were not going to give Trudy back to Grandma.
She was well loved. Well, well loved. Perhaps loved more than she wanted to be loved.
July 26, 2012. The LaFleurs take a trip to PetSmart to replace Megan's dead goldfish and buy more cat litter for Trudy. We came home with this:

Turn head sideways to see this pic
Trudy was thrilled with our spontaneous decision to bring a less than 2# ball of energy home.
They eventually became friends...mostly. Trudy was very accepting of Kacy, and was quite motherly to her.
Aug 6, 2015. The kids' 4H club tours the Central Dakota Humane Society. Bad things happen when you take 3 kids to tour the Humane Society.

This is Hamlet. He is approximately 4 months old. He took a strong liking to Eric. We will bring him home on Friday. Good golly.