Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Buzz

Before.....(his smile is slightly exaggerated as he had a bit of, well, um....gas just as I was taking the picture).....

And after.....his summer days will be much cooler now.
He has a wicked cool tan line along his neckline, which nicely highlights his counter clockwise cowlick.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First week of summer vacay

 These are the gifts the kids gave their teachers the last week of school.  It includes a beach towel, sunscreen, flip flops (for Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Miller) and sunglasses (for Mrs. Kautzmann), and a gift card to Barnes and Noble.  Thanks, Pinterest, for the idea.
 This is Megan's favorite shirt.  I decided yesterday that I am going to keep a tally of how many times she wears it in a month.  It's getting too small, but I just don't have the heart to pass it on to the next user yet.  (Actually, I do, but Megan has busted me each time and pulls it out.....)
 These are Megan's favorite shoes.  They are lined with faux sheepskin.  
 This is one of Jonathan's favorite shirts.  It is one of his Mandan Mavericks shirts.  I also will keep tally of how many times he wears this shirt.  I anticipate he will alternate this shirt with his Dwayne Wade/Miami Heat jersey.
Phlox.  I tried to remove it from one of my flower beds last year, but it still came back.  I guess I'll just leave it.

Eric was at Lego camp yesterday afternoon, so I did not get a pic of him. 

Fargo Marathon

Kathie and I made our annual trek to Fargo for the marathon events a few weeks ago.  This year, we were registered for the Friday Night 5K and the 10K Saturday am.  We were walkers this year.  Most of our usuals were there as well.

This is my view from the starting line of the 10K Saturday am.  It was raining, and in the mid 50s with just a hint of a breeze.  Darn near perfect running weather.  The 10K route meanders through north Fargo.  We walked by Longfellow School, where I did one of my clinicals with Fargo Schools.  Lots of nice fancy houses!  There were not as many people along the 10 K route as there are for the half and full marathons, but there were a few music spots.  We ran the first 2 miles, then walked until we hit the 6 mile mark and ran the rest.   We finished in 1:23.

 Mom and I at the start of the 5K Friday night.  We finished in 53 minutes.  They did not have chip timing for the 5K walkers for some reason, so this is the time per Mom's watch.
 Kathie and I at the beginning of the 5K.  Kathie's game when walking these events is to pick a 'pacer' that is within reach and pass them.  We each took turns picking our target.  The first person Kathie picked was an adolescent/teen aged kid with a bright green shirt and slightly wild hair.  We didn't have too much trouble getting past him.  Admittedly, I did not pay much attention to him.  We passed him just before the first mile marker.  Right around the mile 3 marker, he passed us back!  It was then that we noticed that he had cerebral palsy.  This is why we love the Fargo Marathon.  All different shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities participate in all the events.
 We are getting ready to cross the start line of the 5K!  There were nearly 10,000 participants in the race.
The gal in the blue jacket is Val.  This is her first year participating in the Fargo race.   She came along with Kellie from Dickinson, and  ran the 10K.  The reason I took this picture was not to get a picture of Val, but to have an excuse to snap a photo of the man in the black shirt standing to the right of Val.  His name (as Kathie and Kellie and I refer to him) is Dr. Super Starr.  Kellie (a PA in orthopedics)  gave him that name the eve of Mar 28th, 2012.  He is the doctor I saw at the walk in clinic the night I broke my foot 4 miles in to a 6 mile run with Kathie.  Kathie and I knew my foot was broken.  He did not agree.  He also thinks highly of podiatrists for treatment of foot issues.  Twice since that fateful night, Dr. Super Starr has been behind me picking up a race packet (the other was the Kroll's 5K). I end up lining up near him at the start of the 10K.

3 more medals for the collection.  This was our 3rd year doing the Go Far Challenge. 
I love the Bible verse from Hebrews on all of the medals.  Such a great verse, and so fitting.  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Last Day

The kids had many emotions on the last day of school
And jubilation

My How They've Grown

 Jonathan and Eric are almost as tall as their kindergarten teacher.
 They are taller than Jonathan's teacher, Mrs. Mills.

And they are taller than the librarian Mrs. Beri.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day

Megan made a Mother's Day card for me at school.  It included a Top Ten Reasons I Love My Mom list.
10.  I love my Mom because she reads me Pinkulishis
9.  I love my Mom because she helps me get to scool.
8.  I love my Mom when she makes me laugh by teled me fane stoowes
7.  I love my Mom because she taught me how to Wid my bic
6.  I love to hear my Mom sing Mumey 
5.  I love my Mom because she finds time to tace my shopping.
4.  I know my Mom cares because she helps kis
3.  I know my Mom is smart because she wiie gud
2.  I love my Mom because she works hard at loven me
1.  I love my Mom because she's the best Mom ever

I underlined her answers as they were on the card.  I am always joyfully amused to 'read' how kids spell on their own.  I will not 'translate' (I did need here to 'read' a few of her responses to me, as I struggled.  What I can duplicate here are some letter reversals, and the fact that some words were written on different lines!  I think it is worth noting that she spelled "shopping" correctly!

We went to Minot for Mother's Day weekend.  It was nice and relaxing.  We ate a the Grand International on Mother's Day.  Father in Law Don bought corsages for Kathy, Megan, and me.  We all felt special!

Archery Tournament

A few weeks ago, Jonathan and Eric participated in a 4H sponsored archery tournament.  It was held at the 4H camp in Washburn.  We were the only ones from our club there (the rest shot on Saturday, we were there Sunday).  We were able to have our own group of 2, which was kind of nice!  The course was 2 miles long, and included 30 targets.  We made several references to The Hunger Games along the trail.

 Jonathan takes aim at a fish target
 A few of the targets had the kids shooting from inside a tent.

 Don't worry, the lynx is not real.
 Eric needed to refuel with a granola bar and some raisins
The boys both did well.  Each earned a silver medal!  It took a little over 2 1/2 hours to complete the course.  They were tired, but didn't complain!  Both agree that archery through 4 H is better than what they were allowed to do with scouts.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Today was our first Saturday on the soccer fields for the Spring season.  We were supposed to start a month ago, but Mother Nature had other plans.  All 3 kids are playing this spring.  Megan plays at 10, and the boys play at 11.
 Megan warming up before the game
 Kylie B stealing the ball from Megan, her teammate.  Love it!
 Go Megan Go!
 Jonathan deflecting a kick by his opponent
 Apparently the kid on the black team missed the memo that slide tackling is not allowed
 Eric chasing down the ball
Trying to get to the goal

They don't keep score at Megan's level, but her team pretty much got their butts whooped by their opponent.  They do keep score at the boys' level, and they lost by 1 goal, scored in the closing minutes of the game.  
It was a lot of fun watching the kids play!

The Easter Cup 2013

The 3rd Annual Easter Cup was held last weekend.  We broke tradition in 2 ways.  It was neither Easter, nor a game of soccer for competition.   Things were a little busy on Easter due to Kayla's arrival and kids' activities, and Mom and Dad's backyard was still covered with 2 feet of snow when we were able to get together last weekend.  Instead, Don and Jonathan took on Jason and Holly in a little 2 x 2 basketball competition.   The competition was just as fierce.  ( I think it is also fair to say the came was really Jonathan vs Holly, although Jason and Don did each show off a few good moves....however, neither Jason nor Don sticks their tongues out while playing.)
 Holly drives to the basket
 She shoots!!!
 They rebound
They pass

They try to block

The game ended with a 7-7 tie....err, I mean a win for Team Jason and Holly by just  a few points.  They were awarded the Easter Cup when we returned to Gma and Gpa's.  Jonathan protested to presentation of the Easter Cup to his opponents, claiming he did not realize the basketball game was for the Easter Cup. It's tough to lose