Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cutest kid in the whole entire world


President Obama's decision to ax funding to many NASA programs has had an immediate negative impact on the LaFleur Household. The boys were eager to try out the Turbo Rocket they received for Christmas from some friends. However, Turbo 1 did not have a successful launch....yet. The release mechanism did not seem to work properly. We will seek outside funding sources to help find a solution, and get that rocket to the moon.

Barnyard Moosical

Eric and Jonathan had their Spring Musical for school tonight. Their music teacher grew up in the house down the street from us.

This is what their role was, in case it is not obvious....

I think my boys are cuter, even though this is a really cute pig.


Megan had some minor surgery yesterday on her ears, so we were home today. I did not feel she should go to daycare, but did feel she should go to the zoo. She wanted to see the pigs and turtles, but not the goats. The goats are naughty. The goats scare her. She doesn't like the goats. Them are mean.
Well, there were baby goats. They are not as naughty, or scary, or mean. They are actually kind of cute.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

the Twin Towers

The boys had their first soccer game of the Spring season this morning. It was a beautiful morning. While talking to another player's Mom, I learned that her son refers to Jonathan and Eric as the Twin Towers. Both teams played hard. Jonathan would likely want me to share that our team won 8-0, that he scored 4 goals and Eric scored 2. Seth and Jacob also scored. The other team scored for us one time, too, but we didn't count that one. After the game, we headed up to Minot for Grandpa's birthday celebration. Megan had fun with Huxley.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

another uneventful update

31 school days left.
Jonathan is very close to losing his second front, top tooth.
The boys started soccer again. It is a violent, full body contact sport and they love it. The team is a combo of K-1st graders. The boys are by far the tallest on the team.
It is skin abrasion season again. I have restocked my Band Aid supply.
Eric really wants the Star Wars Lego ARC-170. There is discussion amongst the brothers that Jonathan will use his "earnings" from Grandma Miller to purchase this.
Megan likes the color pink.

Monday, April 5, 2010


"From my cold, dead hands".....
Grandpa bought the boys a BB/pellet gun. The adults managed to share a little bit.

Easter Eggs, Pt 2

We colored eggs again at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Speedy Gonzales

Last weekend, I made reference to Speedy Gonzales, to which the boys responded with a "who"? They had no clue who he was. Nor did they know who Yosemete Sam, Wile E Coyote, Elmer Fudd, the Roadrunner, or Sylvester were. I hooked them up with some Looney Tunes clips on Youtube. I think they liked it.

Easter Eggs, Pt 1

Last weekend, we colored our Easter Eggs. For the first time in my life as a Mom, all of my kids were excited to participate. Megan helped set things up.