I have not taken a picture since our trip to Minot/Makoti last weekend. We have been quite boring since then.
I have been teaching and playing some card games with our child who is unable to play alone or entertain himself. He has mastered King's Korner. We stepped it up a notch tonight and played both Gin and Rummy. We had to modify the rules of Rummy a bit, as he can barely handle 7 cards in his hand at the same time. I also taught him a pyramid solitaire game, which he actually played, by himself, for 8 entire minutes.
Our child who prefers to play alone has been playing alone. He doesn't make a peep. I sometimes forget he is around, unless Megan tries to play with him. Then I hear his screaming.
Megan plays with her dolls. She takes her role as Doll Mother very seriously. At bedtime, if one of her 16 billion dolls is missing, she has to find it. She does the ole' sad eye look and says "but my dolly needs her Mommy" if told to go to bed without one.
The kids are all excited for the trip to Fargo this weekend. Every morning we do the countdown.