Friday, February 20, 2009

Corrupted children

It was hat day today at school. The boys thought they would kiss up to their PE teacher since Duke won last night...she gives kids extra points if they wear Duke apparel to PE, and if they can report if Duke won and/or what the score of the game was (which Jonathan always can...)The boys charmed her enough today that she had Mrs. Kautzmann take their picture together.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Spring Fashion Show 09

Mom did some shopping for Megan this morning. Everything was on sale. Megan loved trying on the clothes, but as you can tell be her facial expressions, it wore off quickly.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I gave Megan some puzzles to play with this morning. She apparently knows what she is doing. I loved watching her concentrate.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Megan vs Eric

Megan has lots of Eric's traits. They have the same long eyelashes. They both have short tempers. And as toddlers, they both disappear for brief periods of time, and smell awful when they return. Aunt Amy, I did not take pictures for you of this....
Better get the wipes, a diaper, and some Lysol.

For Aunt Amy

Aunt Amy has requested some more pictures. As you can see, Megan's hair is apparently now long enough for a ponytail. Ashley at daycare put it in. Megan loved it, and left it in for 2 days.