What we've been up to the last few days....
Wiping noses,
holding Megan,
changing diapers,
holding Megan,
taking Megan to the Dr. for fever/coughing,
letting Megan sleep in our bed,
holding Megan,
giving Megan Tylenol,
cuddling with Megan,
filling the humidifier to help quiet her cough,
holding Megan some more,
telling boys we know it's not fair that Megan is getting so much attention, but reminding them they also had this much attention when they were 2 and sick,
sleeping in Megan's room to help her sleep better,
noticing Megan is favoring her right foot/leg,
wondering how Megan could have hurt her foot since she has been held for 5 days,
carrying Megan everywhere because she cries constantly if not being held,
noticing Megan is really limping, and holding her right leg out to the side,
completing thorough musculo-skeletal assessment of Megan and finding no logical musculo-skeletal explanation for her pain,
taking Megan to the Dr.....again
x-raying Megan's foot
learning about toxic/transient synovitis, which the Dr says sounds worse than it is,
feeling relieved it is not something serious and should resolve in 7-10 days
Hoping to sleep for 4 consecutive hours tonight