Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last night during prayers, Jonathan thanked Jesus for electricity, since electricity gives us light, which helps Eric not be so scared. When the boys were walking from our room (where we were saying our prayers), Eric thanked Jonathan for praying for electricity for him.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Great Grandpa's Birthday

We visited Great Grandpa Flanigan for his 93rd birthday. It was a fun trip, but never seem to have enough time! The kids got a nice little lesson in the Circle of Life viewing the remains of a deer in the ditch by Grandpa's driveway. They also saw a cat skeleton in the "cat barn".
Megan fell in love with Great Grandpa immediately. She kept close to his side while we were there, and whimpered for Grandpa when we left.


Just some pictures of playing in the leaves last weekend...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


We carved our pumpkins tonight. Eric made a big step and actually assisted in scooping out the insides for the first time. Apparently he no longer thinks that is disgusting. The boys were kind enough to pick out stencils with "challenging" ratings. I talked them down to ones that were a bit easier for Mom. As with years past, as soon as the pumpkin guts were out the boys abandoned me and I was left....alone....for over an hour....to carve the intricate designs into the pumpkin. At least Dad did most of the cleaning of the insides.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Megan gave herself a manicure tonight. She polished her knuckles more that her nails, but looked darling nonetheless.
In other LaFleur news, the boys finished their soccer season with a win on Saturday morning, making them 5-1 on the season. They were thrilled to get little medals, which Jonathan says are first place champion medals. They sung in Church this morning with the Cherub Choir and were cute as could be.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Backyard Fun

Enjoyed some great weather in the backyard last night. Eric played in the sandbox. Megan and Jonathan played soccer. Jonathan enjoyed talking to Dad on the cell phone (Dad is in Reno this week.)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pumpkin Patch, pt 2

Megan and I took another trip to Papa's Pumpkin Patch Friday afternoon without her brothers. It was a beautiful day! We took our time walking around. She loved climbing on the new train. We also visited Daddy at the capital in the morning.